Downeast Thunder Farm

Our Little Patch of Woods in Downeast Maine

Snape in Silhouette

Purfessor Snape in silhouette on a snowy day studying the goings on outside. Once a feral kitten, I hope he’s thinking how lucky he is to be on the inside looking out during this blizzard and how fortunate he is to have us as his humans.

In all reality he’s thinking who turned off Kitty TV. Where’d all the chickens and ducks go?

Other kitty posts:
27 December 2012: The Love of a Good Kitty
20 December 2012: Naughty or Nice?
13 July 2012: Tasty Rudbeckia
10 May 2012: Kitty T.V.
15 January 2012: My Constant Companion
23 November 2011: Mobile Cats
13 October 2011: Enjoying the Morning Sun
10 October 2010: Kitty Becomes a Cat
9 September 2012: Missing Hannah
7 June 2010: The Kitty That Got Away