It’s been six years since my beautiful Cherry kitchen cabinets were installed. Since then, the bottoms have fallen out of the 36″ wide drawers. Twice. The first time the company came out to inspect and sent replacement boxes. The second time, Paul rebuilt the boxes for me to make sure they would last.
He delivered the silverware drawer to me on Friday. As I started to put all of the silverware back in the drawer, I told him that I needed dividers. And in a perfect world, I’d have nice, neat, built-in dividers.
Paul said if he just had the right kind of wood, he could “fix me right up.”? I took that opening and disappeared into the garage. After bit of digging around behind boxes in a forgotten corner, I found a piece of thin plywood left over from some other project and delivered that to him with a pencil sketch of what I wanted.
Now that he had to put up he said, “Sweetie, I’m going to rock your world.”
And he did. Built in custom drawer dividers. I’m in heaven. Am I easy or what?