It was a pretty low key weekend here. I spent the bulk of the weekend working on a deadline with little breaks puttering outside. Here are a few weekend highlights.

The bantam chickens are now participating in the Downeast Thunder Farm Day Garden Program. They are chicken coop dropouts. Their introduction to the big girl chicken coop did not go well. So they are back in the brooder until Paul can get a bantam hen house built. The Little Girls (we think) spend their days in a little enclosure in the garden. Meet Salt and Shadow.

The meat chicken run. We remodeled last weekend to give it a steel roof using some leftover roofing materials. It's just got tarp sides right now. They'll only need it for another few weeks before they grace the freezer.

Paul modified the compost bin to include aeration pipes in the bottom. These are supposed to get more air to the compost, speeding things up and reducing smell. This represents 2 1/2 months of chicken poo and wood chips and other miscellaneous compostable scraps. It's looking pretty good!