Paul and I have finally settled on a chicken coop design and layout. This resolution did not come without a bit of frustration. We each had our own idea of how it ought to be built and where it should go. Turns out that we were pretty much on the same page all along, but we didn’t quite communicate that very well.
So, we’re building a chicken coop. Since Hannah has had little input into this process, she asked if she can choose the color. I agreed, as long as she chooses a color I like. We both agree that the coup should be cute. If we’re going to have to look at this from the porch, I want it to be fun. Paul interprets this as expensive. He finally bowed out and said that he was the engineer and builder and he would leave the decorating to us. So after a trip to the hardware store, Hannah and I have identified a few color choices for consideration. What do you think?
How about two–one for boys and one for girls?
Which color is on sale? That is a key priority! If they are all the same, get something like schoolhouse so it will wear with the years!
All are great colors. Can’t remember what color your house roof is? Of course I’m partial to schoolhouse red. Have Fun with that!
Agree that your own house should influence the coop color. Otherwise, Schoolhouse and Apple Orchard.
Love the indigo. With a color that gorgeous, you are bound to get lots of eggs. How could your chickens not be happy in a house that color? And to quote a friend of mine, “Happy chickens lay good eggs.” Apple orchard is my second pick. Have fun!
Wow, this is not an easy choice. The two I pick are lilac and Indigo dream and of the two……lilac, oh maybe indigo dream, but the lilac!! Put each name on a piece of paper, throw them up in the air and whatever lands first is the color of the coop!!
I’m like Indigo Dream and kind of partial to Restoration Green, does the chickens know what happens to them when they quit laying? Yaw’ll take care now.
I love the restoration green!!