The most remarkable thing happened today!
It’s a snowy day here, so I left work early before the roads got too messy. I arrived home around 1 o’clock. As I stepped out of the car and shut the door the sounds of a scrape and then a swoosh caused me to turn. A Barred Owl swooped down from the vicinity of the porch and flew straight at me, gliding over my head off into the woods. Awesome!
It was straight out of a Harry Potter movie; my first owl sighting on the farm!
I’m not sure if he was perched on the porch roof, or a nearby tree, but I suspect he had his eyes on the ducks. The ducks may have sensed the danger because they were congregating around the water bucket inside their house.
I often hear owls at night and have scoured the woods in hopes of a sighting. Now that I know the owl is nearby my mission to capture him with my camera will recommence.
I’m still giddy!

I took this picture of a Barred Owl in 2009 at the Birdsacre Stanwood Wildlife Sanctuary in Ellsworth, Maine.
Barred Owl in my large pine trees about 2 months ago. He sat perched for over a half hour. Haven’t seen hin since : ( but it was a treat to spot him. I have pics of him on my FB. Enjoy your blog.
Ariane from Vienna
Words simply cannot express how much I love your blog. I was born and raised in The County and now live in the midst of The Flatlands. Your blog gives me a little taste of home. I LOVE your bird designs!
Thank you, Melissa!