chicks at one week

We have had the baby chicks for one week today. It’s amazing how much they’ve grown in this short time! They’re developing their wing feathers and have just sprouted the beginnings of their tail feathers.

What is really wild is how much bigger the meat chickens are than our hens. When they arrived from the hatchery they were all but the same size. Look at them now! On the left is a Plymouth Barred Rock hen and on the right a Cornish Rock meat chick.

chicks at one week

We learned last night that our chicks are afraid of the dark. Their brooder resides in our mudroom. We can hear faint peeping in the rest of the house. When the power went out at about midnight there was quite a ruckus as the little peeps freaked out. It brought Paul awake out of sounds sleep at the other end of the house. I, on the other hand, slept right through the drama.