I finally got a good night sleep last night. That combined with decent weather and I was ready to tackle a few outdoor projects today. I spent some time pulling logs out of a gully near the house with the tractor. The gully runs along the space where we want to move a shed to turn into a chicken coop. We’ll use the logs lingering down there in the wood boiler and it makes sense to drag them out before the chicken coop moves in. I roped a chain around the logs, attached the chain to the tractor and pulled them out of the gully and then left them on side of the drive.

Later in the afternoon after I’d given up on the job, I looked out the kitchen window to this sight. Father/daughter. Big tractor/little tractor. She’s so like her daddy in so many ways. She’s a little engineer (she beat out 12 boys to win the Lego robot championship in camp last week – Go Hannah!). She wants to explain things to me in diagrams written on napkins. She only does hard labor if it involves power equipment.

Like Father Like Daughter

Hannah is receiving a lesson in skidding logs with her John Deere. Paul rigged the tractor up so Hannah could hook up her log and then drive it around to the back of the house near the wood boiler.

fathers and daughters

Not too fast, Paul is telling her. Start out easy – light on the peddle.

hard at work

And she’s off!

mini skidder